Crick Primary School

Complaints Procedure

We like to have an open and positive relationship with parents, carers and children. We value feedback from parents and carers and encourage you to approach the school with any concerns that you might have. The Local Authority has established procedures so that any concerns that parents have about the school curriculum and related matters may be considered promptly.

In the first instance, any problems should be referred to the class teacher. If it is not appropriate to discuss your concerns with the class teacher you should make an appointment or raise your complaint with the Headteacher. The Headteacher will endeavor to find a satisfactory outcome by informal means. 

If, however, the issue cannot be resolved, the complaints should be addressed in writing to the Chair of Governors, Mr John Tull  and submitted via the school office. At this stage the Chair will liaise with both parties to try to resolve the issue. Please  ensure you fill out a complaints form. 

Complaints that involve, or are about the Headteacher, should be addressed to the Chair of Governors via the school office. Please mark them ‘For immediate attention - Private and Confidential’. Complaints about the Chair of Governors, any individual governor or the whole governing body should be addressed to the Clerk to the Governing Body via the school office. Please mark them as ‘Private and

Please click here to see the complaints policy, which will need to be followed with any complaint. 

If parents or carers have any complaints regarding SEND then they should consult the class teacher in the first instance as above. If further information is required then the SENDCo/ Headteacher should be consulted. The SEND governor can also be contacted if necessary.