Crick Primary School


Thank you for showing an interest in our wonderful school. Most of the children attending Crick Primary live in Crick, but we also welcome pupils from the surrounding area. We currently have pupils from West Haddon, Houlton and Rugby.  Admission to the school is governed by the local authority, West Northamptonshire Council, which allocates places. To apply for a school place parents/carers will need to contact the Local Authority . A link to the process can be found here

The standard admission is 30 children per year group and children are usually admitted to the Foundation Stage in the September following their fourth birthday. If you are a prospective parent/ carer, we would be delighted to welcome you to Crick Primary. Please contact the school office to arrange a tour of the school.

The school prospectus is available to download here.



Types of Admission

There are two types of admissions to Primary School in our County:-

  • School starters – this is to apply for a place in our Reception Class. The admission process usually opens in October and closes at the beginning of January in readiness for a taking a place the following September.  The Local Authority will expect you to make three choices in order of preference and allocate place according to each school’s admission criteria.  Outcomes of allocations are usually released to parents mid April and as a school we will contact you following the allocation to welcome you to our school family.  
  • In year admissions – this is to apply for a place for a specific year group. This can be done at any time throughout the school year.  The Local Authority will contact the school to check if there are spaces available in the required year group and allocate a place if available.  This place must be accepted within 10 working days of being offered.  If there are no available places, the Local Authority will manage a waiting list system but parents/ carers will need to re-apply every term.

 Please click here to view our admissions policy