Crick Primary School

Remote Learning Information

Click here to see a copy of remote learning policy

Click here to see the results of our Remote Learning Questionnaire 

Click here to see our Recovery Plan 

Click here to see our Covid Catch up Premium Report

At Crick we recognise, that at times, some children will need to access learning whilst at home. To further improve our home learning and provide more opportunities for communication between pupils and teachers, we will be implementing Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams provides a wealth of opportunities to develop our remote learning and provides us with a platform to communicate with parents/carers and pupils. This form of home learning will be implemented from the first day of closure, until reopening. Additionally, work will be set via Teams for those pupils who are self-isolating. All work will be set on Microsoft Teams and will no longer be placed on the school website. The rationale behind this decision, is that Teams allows pupils to upload completed work directly to their teacher, who will then mark it and feedback all in one place. In the event that a child needs to self-isolate, or we have to close a bubble due to COVID 19, all children will still be able to access the curriculum. Children can access learning using Microsoft Teams. Below are the links for our Remote Learning Policy and also information on how to access your child's 'Teams' page


Remote Learning Policy