Crick Primary School


At Crick Primary School, it is vital that we establish a rich and engaging musical culture. In order to achieve this to the very best of our ability, we provide all children with weekly singing assemblies (where we relish in the opportunity to sing as an ensemble, as well as learn some music theory and language).

Music lessons are taught using Kapow. Music lessons consistently enable our pupils to draw on the ability to play, compose, perform, sing and evaluate. Within school, we have a range of musical resources and equipment. Most notably, the children love to experiment with the untuned and tuned percussion instruments. 

We also give the children the opportunity to learn a tuned instrument in both Key Stage 1 and 2 (with support from external providers, such as NMPAT). Children also have the opportunity to take in Rock Steady sessions where children learn to play various instruments and perform as a group. The children also have access to a wide selection of percussion instruments, and the opportunity to join, sing and represent Crick in our KS2 school choir at the Young Voices Festival.