Crick Primary School

Religious Education

Religious education (RE) is a statutory requirement for all schools but it is not part of the national curriculum.

Parents or carers have the right to withdraw their child from any part of RE.

The agreed syllabus for RE in Northamptonshire is called 'Growing Together' and is the local authority's responsibility. An updated syllabus will be available in 2024.

Aims of the Syllabus

The overall aims of religious education are to enable learners to become:

  • successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve
  • confident individuals who can live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
  • responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society

RE is taught once a week at Crick Primary School, week for about an hour in line with the guidance in the Northamptonshire agreed syllabus.

Church Assembly happens weekly in conjunction with Crick Church.

This year Crick RE curriculum has been updated and brought in line with our approach in other subjects. Key questions have been written for Spring and Summer Term and subject leader time identified to begin Autumn term questions.

Each Term has an overarching key question and a key question for each lesson.