Crick Primary School

Key Information

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Request for Copies

Should a parent or carer require a paper copy of the information on our school's website, please contact the office by email or phone to make such a request.  Usually there will be a period of 5 working days to produce these copies.  There will be no charge for these documents.

Contact Details

 Head Teacher: Mrs Emma Staniforth, Head Teacher, Crick Primary School, Main Road, Crick, NN6 7TU

Telephone: 01788 822633


Admission Arrangements

The admission arrangements for Crick Primary School follow those set out by the Local Authority which can be found by following this weblink which will lead you to the Northamptonshire CC website. Appeals are handled by the Local Authority and a link to the Appeals section of their website is offered here.


Safeguarding children is the responsibility of every adult at Crick Primary School and we take this responsibility very seriously.  If you have any concerns about the welfare of any child in our school, please do not hesitate to speak with one of our Designated Safeguarding Officers.

If a child is in immediate danger at any time, you should contact the police using 999.

The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub deals with referrals from professionals and members of the public who have concerns about a child's welfare. They can be contacted on 0300 126 1000 or by email to Reports can also be made online at Report a concern (

Out of hours, please contact 01604 837999 or dial 999 in an emergency. Please see the Multi-agency safeguarding leaflet below for more information.

Our designated safeguarding lead is Mrs Staniforth, but Mrs Brennan and Mrs Morris are also trained Safeguarding Officers at our school. If you wish to have a chat about a cause for concern or you wish to seek some advice, one of our safeguarding officers is usually available throughout the school day.  Please pop in for a chat; telephone our school number 01788 822633 or email us

Behaviour at Crick Primary School

Our Policies and appendices related to Anti-Bullying and Behaviour at our school can be found under the Key Information section .

School Vision and Values

At Crick Primary school, we endeavour to raise standards by providing pupils with a learning environment that allows them to be curious, resilient and ambitious. Kindness, equality and wellbeing are at the heart of all that we do in order for our pupils to respect themselves, others and the environment. 

Reading and Phonics

At Crick Primary School we teach Phonics using ‘Read Write Inc.’ The Read Write Inc. programme allows us to teach your children to decode with accuracy and confidence, as well as helping your children to develop a love of reading. This is further supplemented with a range of other books and resources.


Our Ofsted report, a link to the Parent View website, giving you the opportunity to tell us what you think about your child’s school and the link to the Ofsted Data Dashboard are all available below:

Ofsted Report

Ofsted Data Dashboard  coming soon...

Parent View

Comparing our School with others

 To compare our school with others in the locality, please visit the DfE website click here.

School Performance Tables

Our latest KS2 results can be found at the Department for Education's website.

Key Files, Policies and Reports

Coming soon...