Crick Primary School


Phonics are important | How to memorize things, Sound words, Teacher quotes

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The Curriculum 

At Crick Primary School we teach phonics using ‘Read Write Inc.’ The Read Write Inc. programme teaches children to decode with accuracy and confidence, as well as helping children to develop a love of reading.

 Phonics is taught daily in reception and key stage 1. During our phonics sessions at Crick, we teach the 44 common sounds in the English language and how to use these when blending sounds for reading (decoding) and segmenting sounds for spelling (encoding). Each sound has a rhyme to help children remember them and help them with their letter formation, these can be found here.

As their confidence in decoding develops, children are taught to comprehend what they have read through effective questioning. The Read Write Inc. scheme has 5 underlying principles that we use in our teaching sessions, the 5 P’s.

PACE –Children are all active and involved in a fun and creative way throughout.

PRAISE – teachers praise the children constantly using ‘Praise Phrases.’

PURPOSE – each activity has a very clear purpose linked to the sounds being taught.

PARTICIPATION – all children take part in the session through partner work and choral responses.

PASSION –We love teaching the sessions and this enthusiasm rubs off onto the children.


This short video is a brilliant demonstration of how to pronounce the sounds correctly: phonics pure sounds video ( 

As soon as the children have learned the first set of sounds, they will bring home a sound blending book. The children then progress through the reading scheme, with regular assessments carried out in school to make sure they are reading the correct level. 

Please find some green words (words that can be segmented and blended) and red words (words that cannot be segmented and blended). 

Green words - Set 1

Green words - Set 2

Green words - Set 3

Red words

Nonsense words